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  • High quality e-bike connectors from Higo
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The advantages of Higo battery connectors

Wide battery connector range

Wide battery connector range

E-bike battery connectors from Higo serve a wide range of applications. They can be integrated in downtubes, used for a cable-to-cable connection from the battery to the controller and also for charging ports. Higo e-bike battery connectors are available for low power e-scooters as well as for high power e-cargo bikes.

Tailor-made battery connectors

Tailor-made battery connectors

In many cases battery connectors must be adapted to match the e-bike design. Higo is flexible to create tailor-made battery connectors depending on the required contacts, the integration into the bike, the required power range and the purpose of the battery connector, i.e. charging, discharging or both.

Advanced locking mechanisms

Advanced locking mechanisms

Higo offers advanced locking mechanisms for an easy and reliable battery connection in tight spaces with difficult mating angles. Besides the traditional screw locking, Higo battery connectors also feature different push-on lockings, manual lockings and self-locking mechanisms with the option of a button release.

Long battery connector lifespan

Long battery connector lifespan

Higo battery connectors are designed with high quality materials for a long lifespan. That's why a large part of the battery connector range offers an IP67 protection degree, a high number of mating cycles up to 3000 and high quality contacts.

Looking for a customised battery connector?

Higo ebike battery connectors

Higo ebike battery connectors

customisation vs standardisation

The ebike battery connector market shows opposing trends. On the one hand, we see many innovative ebike designs popping up that require customised battery connectors. On the other hand we also notice that the market is more and more looking for standardised, mainstream battery connectors. 

It is our aim to be a flexible partner towards manufacturers in need for customised connectors. At the same time we want to be there with a complete range of reliable and smart battery connectors for every kind of e-bike application. Take a look at all possibilities on this page and let us know how we can assist you with your battery connector project.

based on your requirements

Higo battery connector advice

Is scrolling through a productfinder not your way to go? If you prefer to call on the expertise of our team directly, just let us know the requirements of your ebike application. Short and sweet. Then we will put together a tailor-made advice for you.

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Repositioning of ebike battery connectors

Repositioning of ebike battery connectors

A battery connector on the bottom side of the downtube has a hard life carrying the heavy load of the battery itself. When it is disconnected, it can also be flooded with water, risking corrosion on the contacts. To maintain a reliable connection, e-bike manufacturers consider to change the positioning of the battery connector from the bottom to the top.

The only challenge is the angle. The connector must be able to move flexibly to be able to make the connection with the battery. Higo has worked out two battery connector solutions with a different technology that can both be moved in different directions. 

Check out Higo's flexible battery connector range

Higo flexible ebike battery connectors


Higo has designed flexible ebike battery connectors, F618A and F621 that can move flexibly in different directions to make the connection. They have been developed to meet the growing demand from the market to allow batteries to make difficult mating angles in downtube postioned batteries and to easily connect a cargo bike's cabinet without using magnetics.

From e-scooter to heavy e-cargo bikes

E-bike battery connectors for every application

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Select the right Higo ebike battery connector for your application

Filter the battery ebike connector that best suits your application based on the selection criteria below. We hope you find it easy to navigate through our Higo battery connector range. Questions or doubts? Talk to one of our Higo connector specialists.

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